
By learning and contributing withcolleagues in my field, the experiences within the COST Action brings me not only professional but also personal growth, by integrating technical and scientific knowledge and skills in group work on a continental scale.
December 2023
- Bárbara M. Magalhães
Our education as healthcare professionals is crucial to providing the excellent care older people deserve. Being part of the PROGRAMMING COST Action CA21122 which is addressing this need has been an absolute privilege.
December 2023
- William McKeown
Being part of the COST action provides me with an opportunity to contribute with my experience as a clinical physician and leader in geriatric medicine accumulated over many years to health care providers in countries where Geriatric Medicine is still emerging.
December 2023
- Anne W. Ekdahl
the importance of the PROGRAMMING Cost Action 21122 was greatly recognized by my peers and by professionals from other fields related to the care of older adults.
June 2023
- Ana Prada
As a PROGRAMMING team member, I appreciate how much I can learn from both my PROGRAMMING colleagues and other countries.
(July 2023)
- Karolina Piotrowicz
By promoting the multidisciplinary dialogue, we are not only breaking down barriers, but we are also paving the way for innovative and forward-thinking approaches.
(June 2023)
- Carmelinda Ruggiero
It was a most exciting day for me as a COST member, to witness the eye-opening effect from the talks of expert Geriatricians from all over Europe, on our Greek colleagues.
(April 2023)
- Evrydiki Kravvariti
Getting involved in the early phases of the PROGRAMMING COST initiative and taking part in its kick-off meeting has been an inspiring experience.
(November 2022)
- Mirko Petrovic
As a Geriatric specialist in a country where Geriatric Medicine is still emerging, I hold the optimism that PROGRAMMING could significantly propel its national development.
(November 2022)
- Sofia Duque
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