➡️ Are you an expert in your field willing to share your skills and experience? ➡️ Are you part of an institution...
We are thrilled to announce that our upcoming event “Optimal Care Models for Older Adults: Bridging Community Care and Geriatric...
PROGRAMMING COST Action 21122 and SPRIN-G Joint Event Date: 16th – 18th, June 2025Local: Heraklion, Greece, Heraklion Chamber of Commerce...
As part of the ongoing work within the PROGRAMMING COST Action 21122, a substantial dataset has been gathered. A survey...
We are excited to invite healthcare professionals and researchers working in the field of care for older adults to participate...
Organized by: Liverpool John Moores UniversityDate: 13-15 January 2025Format: Online The COST Action’s upcoming Training School on Qualitative Research Methodology for Focus Group’...
Dear Colleagues, With the ageing of populations, it becomes obvious that within healthcare the geriatric approaches originating from the perspective...
We are proud and happy to announce an important development concerning the future of training in geriatrics medicine – the European Geriatric Medicine Specialty Exam...
RUI BUZACO Portugal “I’m honored to take on the role of New Members’ Guide for the PROGRAMMING COST Action. I’m...
PROGRAMMING Working Group 5 activity The primary aim of PROGRAMMING COST Action 21122 is to define the content of education...
The main aim/challenge of the PROGRAMMING (PROmoting GeRiAtric Medicine IN countries where it is still eMerGing) COST Action is the...
The COST Academy is organising a webinar on COST Action experiences in engaging young researchers on Friday 4 October 2024 between 11:00-12:30...