2nd July Webinar: “Joining efforts to develop geriatric medicine across Europe: the experience of EU – funded projects”

2nd July Webinar: “Joining efforts to develop geriatric medicine across Europe: the experience of EU – funded projects”

Joint webinar with other European projects on Ageing | PROGRAMMING CA21122, ICARE 4 OLD project, AFFIRMO project

Dates: 2nd July 2024 at 6-7.30pm CET
Format: Online

💻 Online participation is free for everyone!

To access the webinar please click here.
Connection details:
Enter Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 833 1370 9622
Password: 912616
The webinar will be videorecorded and videos will be accessible on the website and social media of the PROGRAMMING COST Action www.cost-programming.eu and of the EuGMS www.eugms.org.

Access the webinar recording here: 

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