Access to the Members Area of the PROGRAMMING COST Action 21122 Website

We are pleased to inform you that a private Members area has been set up on the PROGRAMMING COST Action 21122 website. This section is reserved exclusively for members of our COST Action and will include important working documents and resources essential to our project.

To access the Members area, please follow these steps:

  1. Activate Your Access: Visit the Login module on our website (top left corner) and click on “Lost your password? Reset your password.”
  2. Password Recovery: Enter the email address you have used in connection with the COST Action and click the “Reset password” button.
  3. Check Your Email Inbox: You will receive an email with instructions on how to set your password.

Once your access is activated, you will be able to log in and view all the available documents. Feel free to upload any documents that you think would be useful for the Action into the appropriate folder. If necessary, you can also create new folders.

Please note that this is a work in progress. We hope that as we move forward, we can build a useful repository of working documents for the PROGRAMMING mission. Working Group leaders are encouraged to start using their designated folders to upload relevant documents specific to their groups. Please be aware that all 350+ members of the action will have access to these documents.

Thank you for your continued contribution to the success of our COST Action.

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