Call for candidate cities to host face-to-face events of PROGRAMMING CA

Dear Action members,

We are now approaching the end of the second Grant Period (GP2) of our Action and we will need to prepare the Work and Budget plan for the third GP (1/11/24-31/10/25). Perhaps the most important activities to include in this planning are the face-to-face events, and so far, we have some examples of really successful events (Athens, Bucharest, Skopje, Lisbon), which contribute to local awareness-raising about Geriatric Medicine among stakeholders and policymakers

Generally speaking, the organized events have similar structures: academic/educational lectures, focus groups with local healthcare professionals for the assessment of educational needs and gaps in Geriatric Medicine training, and open discussions with local stakeholders in order to promote the message of the added value of Geriatric Medicine and raise awareness at a national level. But additional ideas are also welcome!

We are currently looking for candidate cities to host next year’s face-to-face events. These events will be COST-funded, and administrative support will be provided by EuGMS (but co-organization with local societies is also possible). The exact number of events and the exact time of the year are not fixed yet, but it will certainly be in 2025.

In case you consider taking over this task, please get in contact with the MC member from your country (contact details in the attached file) and get back to us (by answering this email) no later than the 31st of August 2024 by returning the attached application form.

Applications will be evaluated by the Core Group, and the final decision will be made by MC voting on the 19/9/24.

Please find below, for your convenience, the criteria for location selection for face-to-face events (validated by the MC in November 2022):

  • Representability of the country and the city in the WGs
  • Relevance of the presented project of the candidate city with the objectives of the Action
  • Relevance of the presented project of the candidate city with regards to feasibility issues (financial, travelling limitations, ecological, security)
  • Geographical and cultural distribution equilibrium
  • Preference for countries with a low level of Geriatric Medicine
  • Availability of at least one (young) investigator to take charge of the qualitative research data (ideally local)

A guide summarizing organizational details will also be provided later on.

Although they come with a significant amount of work for local organizers, face-to-face PROGRAMMING-EuGMS events are a unique opportunity for promoting Geriatric Medicine in your country!

We hope to receive several applications for candidate cities this year as well, and we gladly remain at your disposal for further information.

🚨 Important Note:Β The application form and event preparatory kit can be downloaded from the Members’ area.

Kind regards,
Sabrina Silvani and Marina Kotsani

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