Local: Bucharest
Dates: 6 to 8 June 2023
Title: WG/MC2 meeting and 2nd stakeholders/policy makers’ open event
Topic: Multidimensional strategies for the preservation of optimal functional capacity for a better ageing
Recorded sessions here.
Dear colleagues,
In the following decades, the majority of the European countries will face the challenging reality of populations shifting towards older age. More and more people will live longer and, in order to preserve their functional capacity and enjoy an independent active life, seniors need specialized and integrated health care.
The COST Action Promoting geriatric medicine in countries where it is still emerging (PROGRAMMING CA 21122) is a consortium project that aims to promote and improve geriatric medicine education among health care professionals especially in countries where geriatrics is still developing https://cost-programming.eu/.
Romania has an important history and heritage in Geriatric Medicine and although Geriatrics and Gerontology is a recognized, distinct medical specialty, the network of trained health professionals is not well established. Following a similar event of the PROGRAMMING COST Action proceeding in Greece, the Romanian National Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology in collaboration with the European Geriatric Medicine Society (EuGMS) would like to invite you to the Bucharest event entitled “Multidimensional strategies for the preservation of optimal functional capacity for a better ageing”. The event will be a co-organisation with the SPRIN-G, Spring of Geriatrics of the EuGMS and will host a series of lectures and discussions that will highlight the complexity of health and social care for older people, the need for developing a structured network of specialists in geriatric care, national strategies and protocols aligned with the recommendations of recognized experts and professional organisations. Our goal is to involve policy makers, stakeholders, colleagues from different health care settings and specialties in our effort to raise awareness and improve the quality of care for older people.
The event will take place at the Pullman Bucharest World Trade Center, in Bucharest, Romania on the 6th and 7th of June 2023, followed by an internal Action’s meeting on the 8th . Official language is English.
Sessions are available in zoom clicking on this link: Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 847 3034 6213
Passcode: 980054
Registration for the event is free. Pre-registration is necessary by sending your name (spelled in English) and email to secretariat@eugms.org. Following this you will receive the formal invitation by the e-COST platform that we kindly ask you to accept by clicking to the right link, in order to officialise your participation to the event.

by Ana Prada
Have you ever met a 90-year-old professionally active professor who still has some interest in the topics of infections and pandemics? We would like to introduce you to Professor Traian Ionescu, a 90-year-old epidemiology expert who resides in the Long-Term Care Center for Older Adults “Nicolae Cajal” in Bucharest, Romania. During our visit in Bucharest, as part of the meetings for the Cost Action 21122 – PROGRAMMING, in June 2023, we had the opportunity to meet and discuss a few interesting subjects with Professor Traian Ionescu. He shared with us the importance of having an active mind even after retirement and how well he was able to do that in the long-term care center he resides in now. Being able to see his environment and how supported he is to continue his research and help the community in finding solutions for new possible epidemics and pandemics and how to prevent them. The interactions with Professor Traian Ionescu were a good indicator of the significance of promoting geriatric medicine in countries where it is still emerging (PROGRAMMING).