STSMs are also for experienced professionals

STSMs are also for experienced professionals

➡️ Are you an expert in your field willing to share your skills and experience?

➡️ Are you part of an institution that might need the boosting of some senior expertise?

STSM Grants are not just for Early-Career Researchers!

If you are an experienced academician or expert willing to share your knowledge and support professional teams with your expertise in their institutions, PROGRAMMING STSM (Short-Term Scientific Mission) Grants offer a unique opportunity to visit centers and teams in need of guidance, supervision, and mentoring.

  • Help establish or improve new care models, clinical practices, and management strategies
  • Provide supervision and mentoring to healthcare teams
  • Strengthen collaborations and knowledge exchange across institutions

Whether you are invited by a center or willing to support one, STSM grants can fund your visit!

Apply now and make an impact!

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